Thoughts πŸ’­ on doing good…

Question: Why do we do good things?

Hmm πŸ€” well generally isn’t it because we think we will get a reward??

So I’ve been watching the show ‘The Good Place’… and many things about morality and ethics were discussed. It made me think of why we do good.. in fact, if I’m being completely honest, it convicted me… I have done as much good as I could most of the time… And I had been struggling with the fact that my life is not what I imagined it would be by now… why? I’ve done well! I do good things and yet… ugh! I was pretty annoyed.. and then I was watching this show [which, side note – has so many things wrong with it’s version of the afterlife!!!] But somehow it got me thinking about why I do good things… so I suppose it wasn’t a completely useless thing to watch πŸ€”

First, let’s define good. According to Merriam-Webster, good is defined as: of a favorable character or tendency

So. When we do good, do we do it because we want others to benefit from it, or is it so we will get something out of our good deed? I think it is worthwhile to think about.. especially for followers of Christ. It is important to remember what the Bible says about treasures: not to collect treasures here on earth 🌏 , where rust and moths can get to it; but to collect treasures in heaven, where nothing and nobody can take it away from us! (Matthew 6:19-Matthew 6:20)

Now, I’m not saying to stop the good works we do.. but rather to think about our motivation for doing it.. do we expect a reward? Praise? For people to notice? See, these things may happen, but they shouldn’t be our goals! When we receive praise or such here on earth, we have to stay humble, and accept the fact that we did what we were supposed to do! If we are truly servants of the Lord, aren’t we supposed to follow His example? If Jesus came to earth 🌏 and served his disciples without expecting thanks or praise or anything… then, doesn’t it follow that we should do the same? That we should take up our cross daily and follow Him? (Luke 17:10)

In my very small and imperfect experience, life is often hard and I struggle daily! But, isn’t that like a quick litmus test as to how I am doing? If I am following after Jesus, and staying faithful to him, then shouldn’t it follow that there will be struggles and pain and difficulties? Challenges that prove I am going the right way? That in doing more good things, and following after His example, I become a target of Satan and his demons?

So, if I do struggle daily, does that mean I’m perfect and there’s nothing to worry about? Surely not! I just think it means I’m on the right track… that I am at least doing something that irritates the enemy enough to cause him to notice me, and try to stop the things I am doing! In fact, it’s kind of comforting… and it takes away any thoughts about failing, because life is a struggle!! And I’m just happy and so so thankful that I know Jesus personally!!!

So, I challenge myself and you to think about this when you do good.. test yourself… test your heart ❀️ as 1st Corinthians 13Β warns us, for if the heart isn’t in it, everything I do will have been for nothing! Make sure you do it all for the right reason.

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