What does God say???

God is creative.
You are created in His image.
Therefore, you are creative.


Creative, you are.

This is something I’ve been working on. I have never thought of myself as being creative. Ever. But recently, my sister and I bought some paints and canvases. I started painting and prayed God to help me make these images that I was thinking of.. I have to say, each painting has been beautiful! 

So this has led me to think about my previous idea and belief about myself. So does this mean I am creative?? Well it’s been a few weeks or so, and I’ve been reading the Old Testament from the beginning. I have seen what my God is like, in the beginning as He formed the world 🌎; when He shaped man out of dust in His own image and breathed into Him the breath of life.. 

I began to connect some thoughts.. and being a numbers person, I sometimes think of things in terms of equations and relationships of that sort.. this is what led me to this painting.. now if this were a geometry class, I’d have to use the three dots (signifying therefore) and that would be what it all boils down to..

If my God is creative… which He so obviously is!! And if He said He created us in His image.. then it must mean that we are also creative!!! Mic 🎤 drop

There’s really nothing else to be said about it! We are creative! Each and every one of us! It doesn’t mean we all have the same creativity, but each in our own way, we have talent and creativity that God gave us when He made us.. 

So… what does that mean? If you ever think 💭 to yourself that you are not creative or have no creativity.. then just look 👀 at the world around you.. look at the intricate network of everything and everyone on this planet. And know that you are creative! 

Now, knowing this has led me to another understanding. The understanding that our enemy is among us, looking at any way to steal our dreams, kill our hopes, and destroy our future.. only satan would say these things to us.. that we are small and insignificant.. that we lack creativity.. that we lack something..

My God, however, would never say this about me!! In Him I find that I am creative!! I am strong!! I am mighty!! In Him, I have what I need for every situation! Because He has fully equipped us for all good deeds!! (2 Timothy 3:17) – That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

Amen 🙏

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