The Path We Walk

God is good, all the time!! 
And all the time, God is good!!

Our path as Christians or believers in Christ, (or whatever I may call myself, God knows the heart of man and He alone can judge the intentions) is not always pretty or perfect.. as we walk this weary road, we may find that times come that try to pull us off the right path.. to pull us away from God.. the important thing is to stay in the Word, stay connected! The wolf in sheep’s clothing is just waiting for us to isolate ourselves! That gives him the opportunity to prey on us – when we are at our weakest – he attack our mind, to paralyze us, to make us think that isolating ourselves is the only answer! 


We have a strong a mighty fortress! A shield that we can call upon in our time of need or distress!! 

Do not forget this, oh my soul!! 

God is with me in all the struggles! Through all the pain!!! Through every turn on this path! 

– When the river tries to wash me away off the road! God is with me.

–   When the flaming arrows try to hurt me! God is my shield.

–  When I walk through the valley of shadow of death! God is with me!! 

– When I walk through the storms of this life – God is faithful!

– When there is a pit set up for me, to catch me unawares – God is my hiding place!!

–  When I find I am all alone and see no light at the end of the path – God is watching, so close to me, He never lets go! 

– When I walk through times in life where rocks are thrown at me – He is there! He will comfort the broken-hearted! Prince of Peace!

– When I find myself in the midst of wolves 🐺 who say they are sheep πŸ‘ God is able! He guides my every step and shows me the way through!!

– When I suffer a blow from those closest to me, unexpectedly – God says β€œlove your enemies, Bless them that curse you, Do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” (Matthew 5:44) 

For you will know them by their fruit! What is my harvest looking like?? Am I enjoying days that are full of blessings, peace, hope, full-faith, and joy! 

Because clouds ⛅️ may come again! Storms β›ˆ may loom! But I have a hope! God is my salvation and my rock! He leads me to green pastures, He walks with me through every step of my path!!

And He will lead me to the gates of heaven.. oh how I yearn to hear Him say:


Oh what a blessed day! 

Lord, give me the strength to daily take up my cross! To walk the path with the goal always in mind! It will be hard! It will be rough! I will cry! I will stumble, I will fall… but I will get back up again with His help!!

This will all be worth it! Just to see you! Just to know you, oh Lord!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

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